AC-1500-kapak açık.png


Metisafe®AC-1500 Portable air filtration device is used in environments that need “Critically Important Clean Air”, in order to provide environment pressure and filtration.The ambient air is taken from the bottom of the device. The air is firstly put through a two-step pre-filtration.The air that is purified from solid particules is HEPA filtered and is released to the environment through the air distribution diffuser. As the clean air is released close to the ceiling area of the room, a positive pressure field is created on the top part of the cleanroom. By this effect the polluted air is pushed towards the cleanroom to floor area. Short circuit in air movements (suction of the clean air by the device before the air is released in to the environment) is prevented. This causes an active particule removing speed. The device can be adjusted with connection options to create positive and negative pressure. In the positive pressure mode, the device can recieve air from outside by using the duct connection that has been established. In the negative pressure mode, the device can exhaust a portion of the hepa filtered air through the duct connection that has been establishedto the external environment. By pre-filtration, the contamination of the inner parts of the device is prevented and the lifespan of the hepa filter is extended. The surfaces of the pre-filters are disinfected by UV lights to prevent the breeding of microorganisms.